Fiber Service Area 1 (FSA 1) is the first BroadbandBI FSA to open to residents and businesses.
- Property owners living in FSA 1 should receive an automated email from with a link to subscribe.
- This link is prepopulated with a unique BroadbandBI Location ID that you should verify before submitting your subscription application. Verification is particularly important for property owners who registered multiple service connections (i.e., multiple connected structures on a single parcel or multiple connections within a building).
- Use the Broadband ID Lookup Map to ensure the ID is correct for the location where you want broadband service delivered. Owners with tenants in any location should forward the email to their tenant(s).
If you live in FSA 1 but have not received an email invitation, simply visit the BroadbandBI Subscribe page and follow the steps listed.
- When you subscribe, you’ll receive a confirmation email from
- Contact Sertex Broadband if you do not receive this confirmation email or have difficulty subscribing.
- Please submit only one application per service location.
For those living in all other FSAs, please be patient – additional FSAs will open soon!
Once an application is submitted and reviewed, Sertex will contact subscribers directly to make appointments for interior equipment installation and service activation.
Choosing the Right Service Plan
BroadbandBI plans are designed to accommodate a broad range of user needs with two service levels: “best effort” and “guaranteed”.
- Best-effort service is most appropriate for household users and families, and pricing is highly competitive with mainland internet service providers.
- Guaranteed premium service is typically purchased by high-end users like gamers and businesses with essential connectivity data transfer needs.
We invite Block Island residents and businesses to explore the website’s Internet Service Plans page for service plans and pricing details.
- FAQ Section 8 lists the questions to consider when choosing the best internet speed for your needs.
- Our downloadable sample service plans and pricing PDF provides additional details.
- Still unsure what speed you need? Consider taking the quiz and reading this Sertex blog article on assessing internet speed requirements to get additional input.
Get Ready for Your Interior Equipment Installation
Interior equipment will include an Optical Network Device or ONT (white) and a wireless router (black).
- These two devices should be located near one another in an area where the wireless signals will be strongest for essential spaces such as a home office. Direct cable connection to the router provides the highest performance, while Wi-Fi connectivity performs best the closer the device is to the router.
- Variables like building size, wall thickness, electrical outlet locations, accessibility by all connected parties, and aesthetics can be considered when choosing a location.
- Sertex technicians are trained to work with property owners to find the best placement.

A Note About Phone Service
- If you choose to transfer your phone number to the new service, this transfer may take up to 14 days from the date of your equipment installation. Don’t cancel your existing service until the transfer is confirmed.
- The Crocker phone service operates off the ONT, which is a powered device. If you need this phone service to be operational during a power outage, we recommend connecting the ONT to a battery backup device. Visit the What Happens Next section of the Subscribe page for more information.
Thank you for your support and patience
throughout this complex, multi-phase project.
If you have any questions that were not covered in this update or on the website FAQ, please email Sertex customer service with your name and fire number.